Bourland in North Texas and Indian Territory During the Civil War: Fort Cobb, Fort Arbuckle & the Wichita Mountains
by Patricia Adkins-Rochette
Collective terms in the Name Index
ammunition, 171, 192, 310, A-38, A-162, A-163, A-171, A-172, A-204, A-205, A-206, A-260, A-262, A-356, A-364, A-365, A-368, A-369, A-370, A-374, A-391, A-392, A-394, A-397, A-398, A-400, A-401, A-402, A-406, A-411, A-444 Army Six-shooter, A-136 arsenal, ordnance stores, 134, 136, 139, 140, 204, 231, 289, 303, A-9, A-16, A-35, A-162, A-263, A-264, A-358, A-364, A-381, A-384, A-411 Bastrop Rifles, A-136 bayonets, A-72, A-136 bows and arrows, 158, 199, 201, A-301, A-372, A-401, A-402, A-404 carbine, carbine belt, Hall's carbine, 262, A-136, A-220, A-221, A-291, A-365, A-368, A-384 cartridge box, A-220, A-221 Colt Rifle, A-68, A-69, A-209, A-291 cutlasses, lances, swords, pikes, knives, axes, 24, 30, 31, 201, A-93, A-173, A-212, A-218, A-317, A-396, A-398, A-405 double-barrel shotgun, 200, 217, A-112, A-136, A-166, A-246, A-360 Dragoon Pistols, A-323 Enfield Rifles (made in England), 230, 280, 296, A-136, A-323, A-369, A-392, A-394, A-396, A-397, A-401 five-shooter, seven-shooter, nine-shooter, A-147, A-291, A-292 flint-lock rifle, 35, A-384, A-444 gunsmith, 177, A-14, A-27, A-133, A-306, A-444 Henry Repeating Rifle, 126, 278 holster, 289, A-109, A-136, A-308, A-323, A-324 howitzers, cannons, 265, A-163, A-364, A-368, A-370, A-392, A-394, A-398, A-400, A-406, A-407, A-409 lead, galena, bullets, 24, 32, 82, 296, A-260, A-262, A-364, A-367, A-368, A-398 Mills Rifles, A-136 Minie balls (conical musket bullets), Minie Rifles, 158, A-136, A-360 Mississippi Rifles, 188 muskets, 31, 230, A-72, A-136, A-360, A-368, A-411 Navy Six-shooters, A-136, A-147, A-323, A-324 ordnance manufacturers, molders, 31, A-35, A-40, A-136, A-384 Parrott Gun, A-364, A-368, A-397, A-398, A-411 percussion caps, caps, 158, 289, 291, A-260, A-262, A-267, A-364, A-365, A-368, A-394, A-398, A-400 percussion-lock musket with bayonet, A-72 pistols, 262, 310, A-41, A-68, A-100, A-108, A-121, A-122, A-136, A-147, A-173, A-200, A-209, A-219, A-220, A-225, A-227, A-229, A-231, A-234, A-242, A-270, A-272, A-273, A-276, A-287, A-301, A-302, A-304, A-307, A-308, A-310, A-311, A-319, A-320, A-321, A-324, A-329 powder, gun powder, rockets, 24, 31, 291, A-6, A-136, A-205, A-206, A-211, A-217, A-260, A-262, A-263, A-364, A-365, A-367, A-368, A-394, A-398, A-400, A-406 revolvers, A-323, A-360, A-367 rifles, 31, 197, 310, A-108, A-112, A-116, A-121, A-122, A-126, A-147, A-161, A-166, A-200, A-412 saltpeter, nitre, potassium nitrate or sodium nitrate, 296 Sharps Rifles, Spencer Rifles, 280, A-68, A-291 shotgun, 310, A-108, A-112, A-116, A-121, A-122, A-136, A-160, A-161, A-193, A-200 six-shooter, 188, 217, 262, 275, 278, 288, A-127, A-147, A-166, A-201, A-235, A-273, A-291, A-292, A-405 stands of arms, 239, A-134, A-162, A-204, A-364 Texas Rifles, 203, 230 tomahawks, Bowie knives, butcher knives, 32, 33, 201, 271, 275, 289, 303, 317, A-218, A-395 Winchester cartridge shells, 280
Bible, New and Old Testaments, 33 Bourland, Col. James, appreciation of poetry, 266 boxwood, manicured boxwood hedges, 18 Bumpass, CSA Capt. J.K., Clothing Company Book, 'F' Co, _ Regt, of Texas Cavalry on Account of Regular Issues of Clothing, A-184, A-182 Bunyan, John (1628-1688), Pilgrims Progress, 33 Foxe, John (1519-1587), Book of Martyrs, 33 Hardee, Lt-Col. Wm, in 1855 wrote Tactics, A Soldier's Manual, A-59, A-134, A-171, A-255, A-256 McCaslin, Richard Bryan, wrote Tainted Breeze (1988), 91, 132, 133, 134, 137, 139, 140, 142, 143, 145, 157, 182, 184, 242, 318, 322, 341, vi, xvi McGaughey-Murray, Alzira, owned and played only piano in Indian Territory, 315 Murray, Lindley (1745-1826), in 1795 wrote English Grammar, 33 Napier, Wm. Francis Patrick, Maj-Gen. (1785-1860), wrote History of the War of the Peninsula and the South of France: Duke of Dalmatial, A-396 Nelson, John (1758-1826), a Methodist minister The Life of John Nelson, 33 Smith, David Paul, wrote Frontier Defense (1992), 127, 158, 163, 175, 181, 184, 185, 186, 187, 192, 193, 195, 202, 217, 240, 243, 244, 250, 274, 289, 292, 299, A-1, A-7, A-8, A-311 Stowe, Harriet Beecher (1811-1896), Uncle Tom's Cabin, 18 Webster Speller, textbooks, 33, 70
Bonham assembly (Dec 12, 1863), 189, A-335 Brush Battalion, Confederate, 186, 187, 188, 189, 191, 194, 195, 196, 202, 218, 234, 265, A-335, A-xiv definition of brush battalion, 156, 181, 182, 185, 186, 189, 190, 191, 209, 210, 216, 217, 218, 219, 221, 222, 231, 249, 265, 273, A-335 Oxford Lake assembly (Nov 22, 1863), 186, 189, A-335
Bourland, John McElroy, Methodist minister, 3 Bourland, Rev. John (1762-1844 Hopkins Co KY), 7, 13 Bourland, Rev. John, of Muhlenburg Co KY, 6 Buckner, Rev. H. S,. in Creek Nation, I.T., 113 Catholic convent, Washington, D.C., 330 chaplain, E. L. Compere, A-341 chaplain, Episcopal Rev. D. McManus, A-391 chaplain, John King (Collin Co, TST), A-161 chaplain, Rev. A. R. Burke (Collin Co, TST), A-200 Clark's River Bapt Church (later Soldier Bapt) Calloway Co KY, 9 Hamill, Rev John Newton, Methodist (1862 Citizens' Court Juror), 139, 161 Haynes, Rev. A. T. (Fannin Co, TST), A-144 Kilraughts Parish, Ireland, Old Kilraughts Presbyterian, 5 Osage Catholic Mission (1862), A-368 Owens, Wm-Matilda Bourland, Soldier's Creek Baptist Assn., 1, 9 Roady Baptist Church, near Ft Arbuckle, A-432 Robinson, Rev. John C. of Choctaw Nation, I.T., 179 Robinson, Rev. Wm. of Choctaw Nation, I.T., 178 Soldier's Creek Baptist Assn, Mt. Pleasant Bapt. Church, Graves-McCracken and Calloway Co KY, 9
beads, calico for barter, 279, 280, 281 bootees, A-182, A-183, A-184 buffalo robes, 24, 31, 200, 289, 328 carding machine, wool or cotton, 296, A-12, A-97, A-177 clothing, 198, 203, 306, 310, A-9, A-10, A-11, A-12, A-13, A-14, A-15, A-16, A-17, A-18, A-19, A-20, A-25, A-36, A-65, A-66, A-315, A-359, A-364, A-370, A-384, A-394, A-397, A-398, A-402, A-411, A-414 clothing allowances, A-234, A-273, A-287, A-359 Clothing Company Book, 'F' Co, _ Regt, of Texas Cavalry on Account of Regular Issues of Clothing, A-182, A-184 clothing, military uniform, musician's jacket, 180, 186, 191, A-36, A-220, A-221 cotton, cotton agents, bales, 5, 83, 226, 262, 296, 324, 326, A-59, A-94, A-95, A-97 drawers, A-182, A-183, A-184 hatter, hats, caps, 220, 296, A-17, A-19, A-20, A-184, A-391 leggings, 82, 83 shirts, hunting shirts, 82, 83, 153, A-184, A-364 shoe maker, 241, A-10, A-13, A-17, A-20, A-21, A-40, A-95, A-194, A-200, A-364, A-391, A-394 shoes, moccasins, 83, 186, 187, 332, A-391, A-398 talmas, cloaks, capes, A-184 trousers, A-182, A-183, A-184 wool, rolls of wool, 159, A-13, A-25, A-97, A-177 woven cloth from England, France, and Spain via Mexico, 296
burned his records, McCulloch, 224, 319 courier, 170, 173, 197, 200, 201, 276, 282, 304, A-10, A-15, A-16, A-17, A-348, A-352, A-368, A-418, A-428 Courier Battalion, CSA Major T. J. Bird, 300, A-8 express, 291, A-162, A-166, A-203, A-204, A-216, A-220, A-355, A-360, A-398, A-400, A-418, A-419 expressmen, 201, A-10, A-13, A-15, A-16, A-18, A-19, A-89, A-102, A-253, A-263 mail, irregular, problems with, 320, A-285, A-384, A-418 paper, no writing materials, 72, 295, 300, A-175, A-214, A-264, A-366 post office, post master, post rider, A-125, A-127, A-178, A-215, A-285, A-428 smoke signals, 96 spy glasses, 276, 281 telegraph, A-335, A-356, A-397, A-452
clear title to land, 46, 49, 75, 76, 77, 78, 80, 82, 86, 328 court martial, 286, A-9, A-11, A-20, A-21, A-28, A-55, A-59, A-72, A-73, A-128, A-130, A-133, A-171, A-208, A-215, A-331, A-396 fraud of Indian Nations by CSA, A-412, A-413 Mercer Colony, title to some tracts at issue for 100 years, 49 Peters Colony, title to some tracts at issue for 100 years, 49 railroad land script, 86 Taylor, Charles S. (1854 Texas Land Title Investigator), 114 U.S. Federal Court, A-361, A-376, A-414 U.S. Supreme Court, Chickasaw by blood, Roff vs Burney 1897 case, 95, 329
currencies, Confederate money, photo, 166, 167, 246, A-32, A-99, A-179, A-xxii currencies, counterfeiting coins, 59, 64 fraud of Indian Nations by CSA, A-412 Panic of 1837, economic depression, 10 Panic of 1857, economic depression, A-380 Panic of 1873, economic depression, 154, 330 tax, tax certificate, A-32 taxes or impressment, see foodstuffs
antelope, 146 bacon, 331, A-164, A-366, A-370, A-371, A-394 baking soda ($50 per package in 1864), 246 barley, A-162, A-204, A-394 beef, beeves, 152, 153, 175, 217, 250, 251, 261, 305, A-214, A-254, A-266, A-283, A-322, A-366, A-389, A-391, A-394, A-411 beef, bull beef (male), 1 bull per 40 cows, A-444 beer, persimmon beer, 34 bread, 13, 235, 294, 302 buffalo, 104, 152, 185, 250, A-217, A-318, A-427 cattle, cows, calves, 14, 24, 103, 105, 153, 159, 160, 161, 235, 249, 251, 256, 275, 276, 295, 322, A-211, A-214, A-215, A-262, A-266, A-318, A-371, A-381, A-396, A-443, A-444, A-445 cattle, longhorns: stolen, rustling, 117, 171, 224, 248, 276, 301, 331, A-405 chickens, roosters, 328, 332, A-389 coffee, 190, A-169, A-170, A-394, A-444 corn, 14, 31, 34, 73, 77, 82, 108, 142, 146, 165, 169, 190, 233, 271, 279, 280, 287, 312, 323, 330, A-9, A-15, A-25, A-32, A-35, A-162, A-164, A-254, A-261, A-356, A-366, A-368, A-370, A-371, A-374, A-394, A-398, A-406, A-411, A-421, A-444 corn belt of Texas, 22 corn meal, corn pone, 153, 233, 247 flour (see mill for cereals), 146, 152, 153, 233, A-22, A-89, A-162, A-176, A-177, A-204, A-366, A-369, A-370, A-371, A-394, A-415 forage, 161, 193, 233, 235, 236, 243, 250, 273, 294, A-4, A-10, A-12, A-13, A-14, A-15, A-16, A-18, A-20, A-73, A-102, A-163, A-215, A-261, A-339, A-356, A-365, A-368, A-369, A-389, A-398, A-411, A-429 forage master, A-13, A-16, A-18, A-32, A-149, A-339 grain, 160, 161, 204, 249, 256, 294, A-173, A-175, A-209, A-256, A-261, A-412, A-424, A-429 grass, grazing for livestock, 100, 160, 171, 185, 217, 232, 243, 250, 292, 294 grazing fees for cattle trails, 312 grocery store, 6, 70, 95, 279 hay, 34, 224, 292, A-32, A-217, A-371, A-372, A-394, A-429 hogs, 73, 146, 279, 330, 331, 332, A-444 horsemeat, meat (beef), 302, A-73, A-318 impressment of food, to levy by force for public service, 202, 218, 224, 226, 234, 235, 239, 257, 261, 273, 290, 292, 295, 300, 303, A-32, A-viii livestock, 245 mill (see mill for cereals), A-394 oats, A-32, A-162, A-164, A-204, A-371, A-394 pecans for barter, 82 rations, 17, 23, 29, 31, 145, 152, 153, 169, 183, 189, 273, 278, 288, 332, A-25, A-89, A-102, A-220, A-221, A-387, A-415, A-444 salt, 13, 45, 142, 152, 190, 250, 266, 268, 296, A-12, A-13, A-14, A-16, A-25, A-169, A-170, A-317, A-407, A-444 shorts, byproduct of milling wheat, 331 starvation and destitution, 103, 147, 148, 149, 169, 233, 290, 308, 331, A-14, A-25, A-355, A-380, A-412, A-415 subsistence, Commissary of Subsistence, 147, 152, 159, 164, A-13, A-14, A-15, A-16, A-18, A-19, A-20, A-22, A-38, A-126, A-135, A-163, A-164, A-165, A-173, A-178, A-215, A-298, A-339, A-352, A-356, A-362, A-365, A-367, A-368, A-371, A-380, A-381, A-383, A-396, A-398, A-417, A-420, A-433 sugar, 83, 190, A-71, A-169, A-170, A-365, A-371, A-407, A-444 sweet potatoes, 246 tithe (a tax), tithing agent, 152, 224, 226, 239, 290, A-32 tobacco, see recreation vinegar, A-444 water, drinking water, 27, 33, 41, 51, 63, 84, 85, 86, 91, 109, 131, 168, 169, 170, 188, 200, 245, 246, 247, 264, 268, 278, 315, 323, A-215, A-389, A-392, A-426, A-427, A-428, A-430, A-444 wheat, 249, 267, 271, A-9, A-10, A-11, A-12, A-13, A-14, A-15, A-16, A-17, A-18, A-19, A-20, A-22, A-27, A-32, A-162, A-173, A-305, A-366, A-368, A-377, A-400 whiskey, liquor, drunkedness, see recreation
identification, passports passports, passes, passwords, 134, 135, 136, 191, 195, 218, 221, 223, 224, 267, 309, 310, A-157, N-150
Aca Quash (Waco branch of Wichita Tribe, 1843), 19 Aperian Crow, a Kiowa, in 1864 stole Millie Durgan or "Killed-with-Blunt-Arrow", 277 Asa-Havey or Milky Way (Comanche Tribe, IT, CSA), 278 Beaver, Old Beaver, Indian guide, maybe same as Black Beaver, a Delaware Indian, A-389 Big Tree, Addo-Eta, son of Satanta, a Kiowa, 225, 322, 325 Billy Boy (at Ft Arbuckle), A-428 Binchah (Caddo Tribe, 1843), 19 Black Beaver, Delaware Indian, guide for Jesse Chisholm, A-357, A-428 Black Dog (Osage, CSA), A-374, A-403 Black Kettle, a Cheyenne Chief, A-376 Bowles, Egg, Cherokee of 1838 Texas, Ridgeite, 28 Bowles, John, Cherokee of 1838 Texas, a Ridgeite, 28 Broke Arm's 1st Osage Battalion (IT, CSA), A-7, A-8, A-420 Brush, a Chickasaw (Lee's Light Artillery, IT CSA), A-425 Buffalo Hump, Chief of Comanches reached 1858 Rush CreekTreaty, 87, A-384 Bull, John (at Ft Arbuckle), A-428 Bushman, John, Delaware or Shawnee, Ft Arbuckle, A-428 California Joe (guide for Gen Sheridan, stationed Ft Arbuckle), A-428, A-430 Castile, Tonkawa chief (Capt, Young Co, TST), 149, 151, A-301 Chetickkaka (Waco branch of Wichita Tribe, 1843), 19 Chicken Trotter (Cherokee Tribe, 1843), 19 Cow Eater (Cherokee Chief, 1852) wife was a Biloxi, 83, 84 Dorn, A.J., adjutant for Osage Indians (Maj, Adj. IT CSA), 268 Haddahbah (Caddo Tribe, 1843), 19 To Han-Son, a Kiowa, A-374 Hoyo Tubby (Biloxi Tribe, 1843), 19 Iron Jacket, Comanche, 87 Ishehahtubby (Chickasaw Tribe, 1843), 19 Jim Ned or Ned Jim, Delaware Indian-Mulatto, Union, 149, 195, 202, A-428 |
Indians, personalities (continued) Jim Pockmark, Leader of Caddo and Anadarko, May 1858 Brazos Reservation, Texas, 195, 202, A-410 Jobe, probably a Creek Indian, A-394 Jose Maria, may be same as Jose Maria Gonzales (Chief, Anadarko Tribe, I.T., CSA), 19, A-372, A-373, A-445 Jumper, Hemla Micco, same as John Jumper, A-414 Kahteahtic (Keechi Tribe, 1843), 19 Ke-ka-re-wa (Comanche, Ne-um branch, IT CSA), A-445 Kechikarogua (Tawakoni Tribe, 1843), 19 Kicking Bird, a Kiowa, 325, 326, 327, 328, A-375, A-450 Chetickkaka (Waco branch of Wichita Tribe, 1843), 19 Chicken Trotter (Cherokee Tribe, 1843), 19 Cow Eater (Cherokee Chief, 1852) wife was a Biloxi, 83, 84 Dorn, A.J., adjutant for Osage Indians (Maj, Adj. IT CSA), 268 Haddahbah (Caddo Tribe, 1843), 19 To Han-Son, a Kiowa, A-374 Hoyo Tubby (Biloxi Tribe, 1843), 19 Iron Jacket, Comanche, 87 Ishehahtubby (Chickasaw Tribe, 1843), 19 Jim Ned or Ned Jim, Delaware Indian-Mulatto, Union, 149, 195, 202, A-428 Jim Pockmark, Leader of Caddo and Anadarko, May 1858 Brazos Reservation, Texas, 195, 202, A-410 Jobe, probably a Creek Indian, A-394 Jose Maria, may be same as Jose Maria Gonzales (Chief, Anadarko Tribe, I.T., CSA), 19, A-372, A-373, A-445 Jumper, Hemla Micco, same as John Jumper, A-414 Kahteahtic (Keechi Tribe, 1843), 19 Ke-ka-re-wa (Comanche, Ne-um branch, IT CSA), A-445 Kechikarogua (Tawakoni Tribe, 1843), 19 Kicking Bird, a Kiowa, 325, 326, 327, 328, A-375, A-450 Lasadovah, Chief of Wichitas signed 1858 Rush Creek Treaty, 93, A-384 Linney, John (Chief, Shawnee Tribe, I.T., CSA), 100, 103, A-350, A-445 Little Buffalo (1864, a Comanche), 225 Little Rover, an Arapaho, A-376 Lone Wolf (a Comanche in 1861), 224 McCulloch (Delaware Tribe, 1843), 19 Pa-in-hot-sa-ma (Comanche, Ne-um Branch, IT CSA), A-445 Placido, Tonkawa (killed in 1862), 149, 151, A-301 Possum, Indian guide, maybe a Delaware Indian, A-389 Red Bear, d-1846 (1842, 1843, Caddo Tribe, I.T.), 18, 19 Red Bear (1861 meeting, a Kiowa), 224, A-440 Roasting Ear (Delaware Tribe, 1843), 19 Satanta or White Bear, a Kiowa, 224, 225, 322 Silver Broach or To-sa-wi (Chief, Comanche Tribe, I.T., CSA), 278, A-375, A-445 St Louis, James (Delaware Tribe, 1843), 19 To-sa-wi (Comanche, Ne-um Branch, IT CSA), A-445 Towaash (Ioni Tribe, 1843), 19 Wagon (at Ft Arbuckle), A-428 Washington, George, Sho-ee-tat, d-1883, hereditary chief of Whitebead Band Caddo Hasinai (Major, Washington's Squadron, IT, CSA), 18, 224, A-7, A-441, A-440 Watson, Isham, a Choctaw, (Red River Co, TST), A-70
Indians, Native American tribes, N-1 Ai-o-nais Tribe, 148, A-441, A-445 Anadarkos, A-na-dagh-cos Tribe, branch of Caddo Tribe, 24, 28, 31, 85, 148, A-406, A-428, A-441, A-445 Apache, Cat-a-was, Cah-tah-kahs Tribe, a band of Apache Tribe, hostile to the CSA, A-444 Apache, Lipan branch of Apache Tribe, see Tonkawa, 149, A-431 Biloxi, Boluxie, Baluxie, Buloxi Tribe, 19, 84, 85, 86 Caddo, Cado-Ha-da-chos Tribe, 19, 22, 24, 28, 31, 85, 86, 148, 224, 314, A-406, A-428, A-429, A-431, A-440, A-441, A-445 Caddo Hasinai, Whitebead Band of Caddos, 1842, 1843, and 1861, George Washington (Maj, IT, CSA), 18, 19, 148, 224, A-5, A-7, A-8, A-406, A-420, A-427, A-440, A-441, A-445 Camp Napoleon Compact (1865), 314, A-375 Cherokee Ridgeites, 22, 24, 28, 213, A-376, A-437 Cherokee Rossites, 213 Cherokee Signatories of 1861 Confederate Treaty, A-447 Chickasaw Academy, Rock Academy or Robinson Academy, 177, 252, 272, A-411, A-437 Chickasaw Signatories of 1861 Confederate Treaty, A-442 Chickasaws, Winchester Colbert, Chickasaw Chief, surrendered Jul 14, 1865 to Union for the Chickasaws, A-441, A-xvi, 160 Choctaw Signatories of 1861 Confederate Treaty, A-442, A-xvi Comanche, 87, 91, 98, 213, A-375, A-416, A-428, A-430, A-431, A-441, A-445, A-447, A-xv Comanche, Kua-ha-ra-te-sa-co, band of Comanche Tribe, A-366 Comanche, Ne-um, Nahwats, Pen-e-tegh-ca, Tan-ne-i-weh, bands of Comanches, 148, A-366, A-406, A-441, A-443, A-445 Confederate 1861 Convention of Tribes on Leased Lands, A-445, A-xvi Confederate Indian Commissioners, 313, 315, A-449 Coushatta Tribe, Alabama Coushatta of Texas, near Livingston, Polk Co TX, A-19 Creek Signatories of 1861 Confederate Treaty, A-441, A-xvi Delaware Hainai Tribe, 19, 24, 39, 45, 70, 71, 72, 84, 85, 148, 149, A-383, A-427, A-428, A-441 Delaware Tribe, Union, 2nd Regt, Indian Home Guards, Kansas Infantry, 149, 331, A-373, A-402, A-451 Florida Seminole Indian War (1836-1837), 164, 170, 205, 206, 212, A-425 Fox Tribe, Sac & Fox Reservation, on map, A-431 Hainai, see Delaware Hainai Tribe Hasinai Caddo, see Caddo Indian Home Guard, Kansas Infantry, Union, 1st Regt Creek and Seminole; 2nd Regt: Delaware, Kickapoo, Osage, Seneca, Shawnee, 331, 149, A-373, A-402, A-451 interpreter of Indian languages, 79, 149, 278, 315, A-339, A-372, A-377, A-380, A-420, A-442, A-444 Inyes Tribe, 45 Ionies Tribe (maybe branch of Wichitas, maybe same as Ai-o-nais), 22, 85, 86, A-254, A-406 Iowa, Ioway Tribe, on map, A-431 Kaw Tribe, Kansa, on map, 88, A-431 Keechi, Keechyes, Keetz-ash Tribe, 26, 45, A-254, A-383, A-402, A-445 Kichai, Ki-chais, Cachies, Keichi Tribe, 45, 148, A-383, A-401, A-445 Kickapoo Tribe, 23, 24, 28, 31, 85, 98, 99, 149, 211, 225, A-384, A-427, A-431, A-xv Kickapoo Tribe, Union, 2nd Regt, Indian Home Guards, Kansas Infantry, 149, A-373, A-402, A-451 Kickapoo Village, site of Ft Arbuckle, A-430 Kiowa, Cai-a-was, Kaywahs Tribe, Arapahoe, Ar-re-pe-hoes, branch of Kiowas, 213, 224, 225, A-375, A-405, A-431 Lipan, see Apache Tribe, 149, 314 Missouri Tribe, on map, A-431 Modoc Tribe, on map, A-431 Napoleon, see Camp Napoleon Compact Nez Perce, Oakland, Cherokee Outlet, I.T., Lewis Co, Idaho, A-439, A-453, A-454 Osage, Big Hill Osages band, Black Dog's band (IT, CSA), A-374, A-403 Osage Tribe, Broke Arm's 1st Osage Battalion (IT, CSA), 88, 98, 211, 213, 215, 216, 268, 314, 332, A-5, A-7, A-8, A-301, A-372, A-403, A-406, A-420, A-429, A-431, A-441 Osage Tribe, CSA Major A.J. Dorn was the US Govt Indian agent for Osage Tribe before the War, 267, 268, A-410, A-411 Osage Tribe, Union, 2nd Regt, Indian Home Guards, Kansas Infantry, 149, A-375, A-402, A-451 Oto Tribe, on map, A-431 Ottawa tribe, on map, A-431 Pawnee Picts, Pawines, Panis, Tiwash, same as Tawehash, band of Wichitas, 96, A-431 Peoria Tribe, on map, A-431 Piankeeshaws, 85 Pin League, Ke-too-wah, Pins, Union sympathizers, Negroes and Indians, 276, 320, A-367 Ponca Tribe Agency, 150, A-431 Pottawatomie Tribe, on map, A-431 prairie tribes, or Plains Indians, 233, 304, 313, 314, 320, 322, A-375 Quapaw, Quapah Tribe, 85, A-431, A-441 Reserve Indians Tribes, 212, 214, 215, 216, 231, 320, A-356, A-360, A-366, A-402, A-404, A-420 Ridgeites, see Cherokee Rossites, see Cherokee Sac-Fox Agency, Sauk Tribe, Sac & Fox Reservation, on map, 150, A-431 Seminole Indian War (1836-1837) in Florida, 164, 206, 212, A-425 Seminole Tribe, 24, 28, 31, A-347, A-431, A-439, A-441, A-442 Seneca Tribe, 1861 Confederate Treaty, A-431, A-441, A-451 Seneca Tribe, Union, 2nd Regt, Indian Home Guards, Kansas Infantry, 149, A-375, A-402 Shawnee Tribe, 28, 84, 85, 148, 149, 211, A-427, A-431, A-441, A-445 Shawnee Tribe, Union, 2nd Regt, Indian Home Guards, Kansas Infantry, 149, A-375, A-402, A-451 slave-owning tribes, 314, A-375 Te-ne-mis Tribe, A-366 Texas Reserve, Brazos Reserve on Clear Fork of Brazos, Shackelford Co TX, Comanches, 98, 99 Texas Reserve, Ft. Belknap Reserve, near Newcastle, Young Co TX, 98 Tonkawa Massacre (Oct 1862), 149, 150, 151, A-382 Tonkawas, Ton-ca-wes, Tonwaconies Tribe, of the Lipan Apache Tribe, 19, 22, 45, 83, 85, 87, 93, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 200, 201, 212, 263, 265, A-301, A-402, A-405, A-406, A-441, A-445 treaties (including Confederate Treaties of 1861, 1865, 1866), 18, 19, 22, 93, 224, 278, 304, 313, 314, 315, 316, 323, A-375, A-445 Waco, original name of Chickasha, Grady Co OK, A-387 Waco, Wacco, Wai-coes, Wakhos, Taw-wag-o-nies, a branch of the Wichita Tribe, 19, 24, 28, 45, 87, A-382 Whitebead Band of Caddo Tribe, see Caddo Wichita, Wee-che-tah, or Witch-e-taw Tribe Bands: Hue-cos, Ta-hua-ca-ros, Tawackanoies, Tow-wac-car-ro, Tow-we-ash, see Waco and Pawnee, 45, A-427, A-385, A-xv, A-445, 19, 148, 213 Wyandotte Tribe, on map, A-431 Yam-pa-ri-co Tribe on Arkansas River and in San Antonio, Bexar Co TX, A-366 Yawyash tribe, 45
Horace Pope Jones, interpreter for Penateka Comanches, scout, A-401 interpreter of Indian languages, 79, 149, 278, 315, A-339, A-372, A-377, A-380, A-420, A-429, A-442, A-444
manufacturer, foundries, tan-yards blacksmith, 31, 177, A-11, A-12, A-13, A-14, A-15, A-16, A-18, A-19, A-27, A-28, A-29, A-31, A-73, A-184, A-194, A-197, A-212, A-215, A-221, A-231, A-234, A-444 blacksmith tools, iron, A-9, A-10, A-11, A-12, A-13, A-14, A-20, A-21 brick, bricklayers, making brick, 34, 79 carpenter, Phil DeSpain, Negro (1856 Collin Co TX), 81 construction contractor in Indian Territory, J.T. Wilkins, 79 flooring of 1840 Fannin Co, Rep. of TX, 34 foundry, J. S. Nash iron works (Marion Co TX), A-35 foundry, Kelly Foundry, owner G. A. Kelly (Marion Co TX), A-40 foundry, R. E. Stewart, moulder at Kelly Foundry (Marion Co TX), A-40 ordnance manufacturers, molders, 31, 296, A-35, A-40, A-136, A-360, A-384 plasterer, 81 saddler, tan-yard, 296, A-12, A-15, A-25, A-95, A-221, A-336 steam mill, water mill, 229 striker for blacksmith, A-10, A-444 weaving, looms, Trinity Manufacturing of Dallas TX (CSA), 296, A-17 wheel wright, wagon maker, A-12, A-21, A-424, A-44
Bethel Lodge #134, Rehobeth then Ladonia, Fannin Co TX, 49 Constantine #13, moved from Warren to Bonham, Fannin Co TX, 19, A-425 Denver, Colorado Territory, a Masonic Lodge member, 126, A-212 Friendship #16, Clarksville, Red River Co TX, 20 Gainesville #210, Cooke Co TX, 79, A-381, A-424 Hogeye or R-2 Ranch, Cooke Co TX, Sam Doss owner, a hogeye is the Freemasons' logo, 4 Honey Grove # 164, Fannin Co TX, A-423 Paris #27, Lamar Co TX, 20 Pike, Albert Zebulon, (1809-1891), spokesman for Freemasons, A-361 |